Friday, January 12, 2018

Sorry for delays this week

Sorry for delays this week- episode 4 is not yet timed and i need to get working on episode 5 or it will get dragged out even more. this will most likely cause a chain reaction (like it already has really). so future episodes may be delayed aswell. our timer is still out of commision for now because of personal reasons, So everything is suddenly a bit more troublesome. when we finally have two proofreaders aswell i am not able to keep them busy either. not just because of a lack of timer but because we had three tests this week.

this is all you need to know move on if you dont want to read this rant:

So we've had this project in IT-class since before christmas break. It is not a hard project it is but an ordinary tutorial porject, where we are supposed to make a video tutorial on how to use different programs. we were seperated into teams of three- so far all good. Devided work, guy one was supposed to film girl one was supposed to record sound after words, and i was supposed to edit it.

So weeks pass. our teatcher gets stressed out. that guy probably has anger problems and is in general not meant to be a teatcher. hoensstly he should get his ass out of the school. None of us have ever filmed before. none of us know how to use the program. And he just leaves us. is nowhere to be found. does not answer messages or pick up his phoene. the teatcher is gone.

alright. so we're left on our own. The other two im working with find the situation hopeless. i figure out how the program works and try to teatch them. They buy FOOD and ignore me. okay. Fine. Then one lesson the teatcher shows up, asks us to show what we have. We have an intro. Yay. the teatcher asks the guy to show how he made it (because he was the one who made it using panzoid) however he didnt know how so the teatcher starts yelling. like screaming. furiously like there is no tomorrow. So to calm himm down he says i made it since i happened to be absent the first 15 minutes of that lesson (cuz first period me is not morning person)

Okay moving on. another lesson we have self sutdy (again. ) The teatcher is nowhere to be found. my gorup mates are nowhere to be found. I search the whole school and spot them a total of 8 times. each time they make eyecocntact with me and run. When i finally corner them in a group room i know they like to use because it's one of the few ones that are actually open. They say they didnt see me .
sure. sure. fine  let say that is the case moving on.

Now it is the last lesson before chrsistmas break. we were supposed to  turn in our project this day But we still have nothing. So i decided that i cant sit around and wait for someone who doesnt do their job, so i filmed everyhting. that lesson while they were just sitting and talking. so whenthe teatcher asks if we have done anything yet the first lesson after christmas we have something to show mhim. he is kinda pissed but fortunately no yelling this time. again he dissapears.

so I edit the video and talk to the girl about recording sound. she is freaking out because its embarassing and waste the whole time. so we decide to work after school. she never shows up.
Next lesson we record somethign and work on the manuscript but because we cant finish in time i say i'll just finish it. and she leaves, i write her manuscript and sends it to her. and she just reads it. Doesnt take the video into account what so ever. just ot give you a picture- the recording lasts 2 minutes, the video lasts 9 minutes.

Okay so i go to sleep we were supposed to deliver it this morning. i wake up to 500 messages through out the night because i was supposed to edit it. I had sent her the video but she didnt notice. and asumed that since that was my job in the beginning i should do it. which i understand, but im pretty sure i mentioned-- okay never mind. we show up at school fortunately our teatcher doesnt show up because he hurt his nose, so we get the lesson to edit the video. but because she just read that manuscript the sound files need to be cut like every two secounds and this is a lot of work. im still not done and it needs has to be done before this tuesday or... i dont know what that psycho teatcher will do.  (lets hope he never reads this)

it's so annoying T.T 

Anyway this is part of the reason why evrything is so delayed. The stress from this failed ass project along with the three tests we had.

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